Ethel Jones
@ChristmasJoyZ9 · 1:46

My favorite bowl of food when I was ten years old...

You my favorite food. When I was younger. When I was younger, my favorite food was macaroni and cheese and corn. I'd live on macaroni and cheese and corn. I'd eat, like, cans of corn when I was younger. And my mother, when I would come home from school, my mother would make fresh home made beans and fresh bread. Well, since I was a child that thought those were awful or the beans were awful

#s21nbpv2p1 #WelcomePrompts #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:25
Yeah. Isn't it so funny how that happens? Like, our tastes develop and something we used to love is just like, you can't really stomach it anymore. Or I feel like I ate too much of stuff and then I just spoiled it for myself. I found out the hard way that adults were right. You can eat too much of a good thing. But this is fun to listen to. Thank you for sharing