Matthew Z
@ChangeMyMind · 1:56

Transgenders should NOT be able to use public restrooms of their choice!

Should a transgender man, a person whose sex assigned at birth was a female, but they identify as a male, should they be allowed to use a public restroom of their choice? Now, I'm not talking about listen, I'm perfectly fine with restaurants and places of business that I've seen in my own area have all gender restroom. That's fine. Whatever

#transgender #culture #ChangeMyMind #letschat

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:11


But I just see it as human beings using the bathroom not really a big deal. H***, half the time anyway, we're going to have to start paying to use public restrooms. And I'm pretty sure actually some states they already do that and I'm sure they don't discriminate. Hey, you pay to use this bathroom, then we don't care what the h*** you are. Just you got 20 minutes or less. So that's my thoughts
Lance Watson
@lwatsonjr · 4:59

@ChangeMyMind: unbridled & subliminal phobia…

And I feel like we have paralleled transgender or anything beyond what we understand as cisgender. We've relegated it into this sort of realm of irrational fear and subliminal phobia where we don't want to give voice to the phobia of just something that we do not understand, a construct in society that we don't quite understand. And so I see that sort of going on with this question, and it's sort of leaning into that sort of relegating us to fear


Instead of all being humans, there's a hierarchy of belief, spoken or not. And this plays out when this type of a man feels a need or a desire to exercise power. That plays out through rape of a quote unquote object, not another human, not another person. And again, if trans individuals are seen even lower than women, we have serious issues all the way around
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:39
I might have mixed. I don't know. Okay, here's my lance. And this is coming from a nursing background, working in social services where children were removed from their home. And I think some people are starting to realize when you talk about sexual molestations, sexual violations, rape, that it actually happens more with males than it does with females
Matthew Z
@ChangeMyMind · 1:32


They should have a gender neutral bathroom. And there's plenty of places and plenty of businesses around, at least New York, where I'm from, that have genderneutral bathrooms. And I said in the beginning to the original post that I made on here talking about this topic that I don't see a problem with there being gender neutral bathrooms. There should be gender neutral bathrooms. There should be bathrooms designated for people who don't know who they are and can't identify themselves
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:16

@ChangeMyMind 🚽

So I take it that seeking plumb didn't change your mind. Well, that's unfortunate. I guess next time with your next question, possibly we can change your mind. Ha
Matthew Z
@ChangeMyMind · 1:12


Hey man yeah like I like I said you know the topic is change my mind right so the you know the general idea is changed my mind and like I said in the original post I am am openly 100% open to hearing what everyone has to say now does that mean that I'm going to agree with everyone or anyone? No but does it mean that I'm here to hear people out and listen to what people have to say?


In poker, when you start to hear someone talking about how every other player is bluffing, bluffing, and that's all they seem to see, usually that is indicative of the way that they behave in the way that they play the game
Wendie Berry
@talks_alot · 0:58
Well, first off, if it's a transgender woman, they are not going to be in an open area with urinals, so they're going to be behind closed doors going to the bathroom, so your knees don't need to worry about seeing something. If they were going into a men's bathroom where there's urinals, that would be a problem. And transgender women are not there to expose themselves
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 2:14
We need to worry about fixing the real problems in this country, man. We got so much we need to worry about, man, like reparations, climate change. So we got to focus on the big picture, man, the big problems in this country. But, yeah, interesting posts. I would say just look into the bigger picture of what's really going on in this country and not these unimportant political, I guess, views. Yeah, man. You take care. Peace