@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 4:25

The Mysterious Wailing part 2

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So I kept running and kept running and kept running. And I don't know at what point the sound stopped, but I kept running till I reached the base camp. And I was in a complete daze. I was kind of stunned as to what happened to me. And I tried to find my teachers and my classmates and I tried to explain. I was in complete shock. I was like, something chased me. Something chased me. And they were like, what is she talking about?

Part 2 of a spooky story. Check out part one in my posts if you didn’t get the chance. #storytelling #fun #entertainment

ash dew
@ashdew · 0:11
Oh, my God. Woman why the heck are you trying to scare the shit out of me? I am not listening to part two. I'm going to listen to it in the morning. And. Hey, Jay. Hanuman
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:25


Morning, Ash. I told you it was a spooky story. And if you can't handle the spooky story, to listen to something cheerful. But I am so glad I spooked you out. And that makes me happy, actually. So please listen to part two and be further spooked. And if you like, I will make create songs just to spook you out
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:24
Oh my gosh. Now that was really spooky. I am glad I did not listen to the entire story last night. Otherwise I'm sure I would have had a really difficult night. And you know, this reminds me of something that happened in Kerala a few years back when I was there. And it is so weird and spooky. Like till this day when I think about it, it gives me the real creeps. Maybe I'll share it sometime over as well
Christopher Melkus
@teenmethuselah · 1:07
Okay. Good story. Good story. I was kind of like, Where's this going? But once you got to the part where it was actually doing the same thing to your footsteps was when it got pretty creepy. I can imagine that part would definitely be the most horrifying thing of that experience, because you can't you can't run if it's still making those noises. Like, I don't know what I would have done. That's pretty creepy. Good job telling the scary story
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:24


Hello. Thanks for your response and for liking the Spooky story. I actually have quite a few stories that are supernatural in origin, a little bit more scarier than this, so it's kind of encouraging. So I will try to post those as well as I find time. So thanks. And I found this really encouraging, so I'll do more of this