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@blknoname · 4:23

a sense of boredom.

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But I think, like with anything, there is always too much of a good thing. And I think the way that we have evolved our communication methods and technology is showing that too much of a good thing. But of course, in order to grow, you have to interact and have ways that kind of pushes your perspective so you can grow. And that also doesn't mean that I don't like and engage with anybody

a recent convo I had with my partner on my current perspective in regards to how I engage with the world now.

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:44


Wow, this was really a journey for me. I had to listen really closely because you were speaking quietly and I looked at your photo that you uploaded and a couple of thoughts kind of are swirling around my mouth right now. One is this idea of delivery, deliberate communication, which if you step into that idea, everything has more meaning