Amaurie Davison
@Blind_Master · 4:48

Giving you guys my last update for this swell application.

Michael 015-0035. Hey, guys. Sorry that the description or the subject is not simply written, but I was trying to mainly type up my description and my subject. And sorry that I didn't give, like, a brief demonstration like I should have. But I wanted to. Also thank you guys so much for looking at my posts and replying to some of them. I know all of them have not been looked at, but otherwise it is okay

Think you guys for replying/liking my posts.

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:03


Hey, it's Deborah. I just want to say hi to you. Nice to hear your voice again. Anybody who wants to talk for five minutes or ten minutes or 100 minutes can keep on replying to themselves. The reason why we have the five minute limit is to enable people to really frame what they want to say in a way that people can listen and not kind of zone out. The average attention span is probably about two minutes
Amaurie Davison
@Blind_Master · 0:53


Like bump zero one five. I see. I see why you're going what you are going for now. Now that totally makes sense. So thank you for that note. You know, sometimes I pause a lot and that's that's some that can be be very unusual. But I see now it is always serious reason. So thank you for that. Thank you for mentioning that. It's very nice of you. Thank you