Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:31

My name is mosquito murderer

I discovered a hidden talent when I had to get rid of some mosquitoes without using any chemical agents or making those snappity snap, clappy clap sounds, where we just go clapping around, hoping to get lucky. So rather than a hidden talent, this would be a technique. And I don't know what was going through my head. I was so young, I don't even remember exactly what it was, but I remember the effects of this technique. So this is what you do

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Jan24 #TellYourStory @dbpardes | Hidden talent



Snappity snap clappy clap. I missed you. It's nice to hear from you. And I have never heard that. And now next time, if I have that situation, I'm going to try that. Wet my hands, wave them about, and hopefully capture and clap a few mosquitoes. Also, the second is a really good tip too. Sometimes once I've been bitten, I'll use, um, is it hand sanitizer or something like that on the spots?
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:20


That was ridiculous. Bernadi, I know that that doesn't work. I know it works for you, but I've tried everything, including waving my hands and being crazy. But maybe. Okay, I'll try it with the wet hands. Okay. It's not the season. But when it is, I'll get back to you. Nice talent

@DBPardes @Binati_Sheth

I was trying to think about this logistically, how it works, but maybe there are many, many more mosquitoes there, particularly during the monsoon periods, than in North America, because I can't imagine there being like, if I did it here, there's not that many of them to capture, right? I mean, where I'm at, perhaps in other places in North America, I don't know
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 1:28

@SeekingPlumb @DBPardes

But to locate the mosquitoes, you go for the dark areas. They generally sit in the corners. They sit on clothes. Specifically darker clothes. And you just flick the clothes. Then you dip your hand, and then you just wave it around, and then it gets stuck, and then you go. That simple? It's really simple. I did murder one. I will show you the foot. Such a weird photo to share, isn't it? Yeah, it's in my hand
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That's a master class on how to be a mosquito murderer. This just makes me smile. It