Chloe McCloud
@BerriBallistic_ · 2:54


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I definitely have a lot more to say, and it's definitely going to hit home for real for a lot of y'all. But you people that's judging people, knowing that you all don't mess with you your auntie, sister, cousin, now you all got a baby, not a baby identity and DNA f***** up. I've never understood that


Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:49
Have you noticed that people who can judge at times and be so free to make statements about others often are the culprits of the things they criticize other people about?
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:16


You know, I think being aware of judgment is so bizarrely amazing, because it doesn't mean you could stop it, but it means, you know, you're doing it. I have a friend whose mom really was judgmental of him, and he always says, My mom's inside me right now. I got to quiet her because he's being hard on his son
Chloe McCloud
@BerriBallistic_ · 5:00


And nine times out of ten, especially if the person was of the opposite sex, nine times out of ten, or maybe possibly sometimes be in that self discovery, self identity mode and really possibly like that person that used to be a way of flirtation in school. One and two would really sit there and judge someone, talk down on someone, speak about things, whether it's true, untrue, just to make that person feel away
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 4:23
Well, this is the problem I have with this whole type of conversation. How do we, how do we okay, you said that you don't want to be, you know, you you're afraid of being judged as being like, a weirdo or a weird mom or a weird this or weird that. Okay, now just follow me. In a world of infinite variety, right? We live in a world of infinite variety
Chloe McCloud
@BerriBallistic_ · 4:51


But nowadays, see, before we were just doing this stuff on social media, and it wasn't nothing that we could possibly accumulate any funds for. Now we are able to pretty much accumulate funds just by getting enough views. At one point in time in my life, I had what I like to call a Before Christ page
Chloe McCloud
@BerriBallistic_ · 4:59


There have been people that have been judged on a lot of different things, and I'm specifically used this topic. There are people that have been judged for not liking the opposite sex and being a part of the LGBTQ community. There are people that go through that along with children who are bullied for whatever that feel as if though they don't know how to process mentally cope. Like for an example in the music industry, there's Lina's X
Chloe McCloud
@BerriBallistic_ · 2:52

#HeriditaryHabits Pt 1

And of course, there are hereditary habits that we can't always 100% control, but those that we can control, especially the ones of being judgmental, especially the negative habits that can affect our future, that we finally come to a realization of. Hey, I can definitely see where I pretty much got this from my dad. This is not something that I really want to pretty much invade in my life and possibly ruin my happiness because I know I have this trait from my dad
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