Belinda Schmid
@belindaschmid · 5:00

Lost and Found Thunder

And I got off of their floor and I just started walking around the whole floor, calling out my dog's name, thinking maybe my dog will hear my voice and respond, bark. But he didn't. But I heard lots of other dogs barking who were also waiting for their owners to come home. And I went back down to the lobby, and I was just, like, at a complete loss of what to do

#SwellSessionsLA, #LostAndFound

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:21

Thank you!! See you Wednesday! 🙏

Hey, Belinda. Thank you so much for this story. I was hoping it had a happy ending. And I think the design of lost and found hopefully implies that there is a find, but it really must have been just a terrible experience. And yet you had compassion in the very end. Knowing that someone so lonely somehow had a connection to your dog and puts you through horror. To not know the whereabouts of your dog but to be able to hold that compassion for that person is so beautiful
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:16


Hey, Belinda. I wanted to know if you wanted to tell this story on Wednesday night. For sure. Let me know. We have all our spots filled, but we're going to see if we can extend the time a little bit. So let me know if you're coming out. That would be great. Thanks