Experiences Create Beliefs

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Hello. Good morning. I came to speak about how experiences create beliefs and the right experiences create the desired beliefs. So what could be the right experiences? How do you manifest the right experiences? I would think it would be someone that doesn't let life happen to them but they wake up with a plan and they go through their day with a purpose to accelerate the change that you want in your life
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesĀ Ā·Ā 1:45


But when you're sort of entrenched in ideas and beliefs, they limit your choice of experience. So it's really important to say, okay, today I want to invite something new in my life that's going to surprise me, that's going to kind of invite a new, I don't know, set of understanding, understandings about different parts of life that I might not have been exposed to because I limited myself because of my beliefs
Deborah, what's going on, girl? Thanks for replying. So, colors, how we move into the next day? Now, that was some sauce of amazingness to. Invoke curiosity of something new, something unknown that could be bright and beaming with prosperity is my focus. It's my goal, it's my purpose. When I get up the chicken before the eggs, I think I got my beliefs from my family growing up. And then you get older and you experience new people
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And how do we want to do that differently? And then as a result, then we can affect what we believe, right? Or what we believe to be true. And I think there's like a messiness of not only outward in and inward out, but sometimes back and forth between some of those layers. Yeah, I think there's so much to consider in ways that we look at our beliefs and the way that we evaluate them, modify them. And I think for everybody it's different
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So to be emotional intelligent, it's the ability to manage my own emotions and understand the emotions of others. So long story short, learn to read the room. I need to learn to read the room better. I need to learn how to stop being overly sensitive. I also want to put a disclaimer out there. This is a journey for me personally. So I do believe that for someone else the steps might be different. I really think that the steps probably are different
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I'm not on a call, but I'm still speaking to people in real life, face to face. I have the ability to drive that discussion. I may not control the subject matter of the discussion, but I can drive it in the direction I would like it to go in. Sometimes you will have a little kickback from the other party
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Finley Ave
@finnaveĀ Ā·Ā 4:30
I'm just curious if anyone has any thoughts on it. If, say, you're in a relationship with someone who is emotionally avoidant and you want to be emotionally intelligent and you want to have a deep emotional connection, of course that would impact how you could grow together


So it sounds like you're aware that this significant other isn't emotionally available. Can you make them emotionally available? Are you searching for the statement that would just make their box open up to you? No. They have to want to open up to you just like you want to open up to them. So the question that I had to ask myself is, why am I so attracted to someone who isn't emotionally available?
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You. So I wanted to continue for my personal self. The reason why I continued to pursue this man that was not emotionally available was because of the good feelings that I felt when I was around this person. The it was very calm energy. They were very easy on the eyes, breathtaking, smile. When we were together, it was like we had known each other for years. And I do believe my beliefs through my experience is that I attract people that need healing. I'm an empath
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Brian Foreman
And I was just talking to someone recently where when I was teaching a human service course I challenged them to eat for free for a day. They soul not purchase any food. They had to find a way to eat. And I should have clarified that they couldn't steal. But at the same token when we're looking at not being able to eat and where they did steal was it happened to be fall well, fall semester. So there were still gardens that were active
Seng Phengdouangdeth
@sengri_laĀ Ā·Ā 3:55
I never enjoyed it before. Trust me, I never cared. But I originally started going as a way to cope with stress and anxiety, depression, things like that. And eventually it became a thing that I did. I just went to the gym and I would do these routines that I was doing, and then eventually I started seeing rewards in these routines. Maybe if I tweaked this a little bit, this would change for me and I would look up dieting and just a whole bunch of things


So they would bring these elaborate meals in. They would bring us bagels in one morning, we would have a drug rep for a certain drug, and we will have bagels and coffee, and then we'll also have lunch that the drug rep soul come in. And then we'll have, I don't know, Mexican or Italian. It didn't matter. But my favorite certainly was Mexican. Anything light and fluffy rice. It's the taziki sauce for me
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Just keep trying. Be comfortable with yourself trying, and be comfortable with yourself failing, but never stop trying. Practice makes perfect. I used to work with a doctor and he would say, no, practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. It's not perfect if you're just going to keep practicing it the wrong way. So he was military. He was a strange doctor, but was a very smart, very intelligent, and cared about his patients
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Mike W
@Scribe7Ā Ā·Ā 4:59
It's. This is absolutely huge. Huge. For me, it goes right back to the beginning of the journey, the whole thing. And the question of are you a spiritual being having a human experience or a human being having a spiritual experience? I started off as a human being, trying to have experience of experience. And it had me all over the place. It had me, you know, in the secret
Mike W
@Scribe7Ā Ā·Ā 4:59
I should because I'm the one that's the so called spiritual person. My wife was never lovey dovey and I'm telling you to the point of I don't remember her asking me how are you doing? This is a period over twelve years, six separated in six again, not even how are you doing? Then it really got crazy because I sat down and I started counting days when I got a chance to say I love you too. Think about that for a minute
Swell Team
@SwellĀ Ā·Ā 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mike W
@Scribe7Ā Ā·Ā 4:59
The divorce happened, and I go through some type of pain all day with her, because when I was home after the first two knee surgeries and the first hip replacement no, after the explosion, she didn't like that. And it was all about getting that money in there. Oh, that was the other thing, the divorce. And she kicked my back out, but I couldn't do the same thing back to her
Mike W
@Scribe7Ā Ā·Ā 4:59
Because if I didn't stay in that moment and recognize that I'm safe, I might not be here. I might have made a spiritual escape in the effort to say, I'll handle it before it happens anyway, because that's how I deal with things. Too many motivations when I was a kid was tell me I can't do it and eliminate whatever the bad thing is


You know, time is very important in healthcare, and I'm laughing about it because a timer was going off at work today every 30 minutes for us to check our messages to make sure there weren't any emergent messages in there, because we don't want people going to the emergency room. If it's something that we can handle at our guess, you could say urgent care facility because that's the way it's run. But time is very important to us in healthcare
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I'm also aware that I need to learn how to read the room better. And that's what I'm doing on here. You can hear someone's tone. I like that. I would prefer talking on the phone than sending a text message, because you don't really know the true feeling behind a text message. It's better to actually look someone eye to eye. It's actually better for me to hear someone's voice, to hear the changes and the excitement in their voice
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