Barely ‎
@barely · 1:59

Introduction - Me and my interests

I probably miss, but that's okay. So feel free to tune in later if any of the things I mentioned pick your interest. Do any of you have trouble with sharing your interests? Or how did you navigate this? Let me know, please. Barely out

A small introduction. - #FirstSwell #MyProfile #introduction #lgbtqia #bisexual #webdev #furry #gaming #boardgames #technology #cooking #writing

Christopher Melkus
@teenmethuselah · 3:47
A lot of times I find out that it's not really a big deal if you don't have one in the furry community. I don't think it is. But there's still, I think, a little bit of that sort of unconscious pressure. And I'm curious if you feel that way at all, because I'm going to assume I'm probably a little older, and I think I joined the fandom back in 2001
Barely ‎
@barely · 2:14

My apologies if I sound a bit sleepy, it was late in the evening in my timezone after all.

Perhaps if you're more invested in going to real life events and such, people have more assumptions about having a character or suit or partial, let's say, about sharing my interest. I appreciate the comments about it not being a bad thing to hide interests or to keep them a bit quieter. I agree