Jennifer Grello
@Ayfkm_lotusowl · 5:00

Ayfkm…preface. Dear Bonnie.

Dear Bonnie, I think of you every day, and I've been trying to figure out a way to either call you or write to you or just say to you what I feel like I need to say. First, I want to say I'm so sorry for the loss of pop up. I clearly remember when pop up met you and how much he was happy and in love with you because you shared so many similar interests
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:30


Hey, Jennifer. I wanted to thank you for being here and telling your story. I heard the other one, but I want to come back here and just say thank you for finding language and sort of a framework to tell this and make sense of it, help other people make sense of their life through looking at your perception of things. And it's really a gift. So I just wanted to thank you