Anyway, so I am not going to go into how England is in a recession right now. Anyway, I have resisted to go into that segue, and I'm back. Right. So one of my friends, his WhatsApp status is that there is no courage without fear. And I believe that is the lethal motive of every Christopher movie, Christopher Nolan movie ever

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb29 @dbpardes

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:05
Thank you for sharing these insights with us. Have a lovely weekend. Bye
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:49


Hey, Shiva, I appreciate your observation about the one word, but I have to say that your take on the Christopher Nolan stuff, the films, is interesting with reference to fear creates courage. I think you're talking about the context through which we learn about our courage usually includes getting over some kind of fear, right? I don't know if courage exists without the circumstance of fear conjuring courage. You're making me think now, so let's think about that. Where does courage exist?
Shiva Guru N
@arulmozhivarman · 1:42


Just that sometimes the fear is well hidden, is what I think anyway. And I believe that Nolan has brought this to life in his movies through his brilliant screenplay. Better than anyone else in the contemporary era, is what I think. I've not watched as many movies as I should to be making general, sweeping statement about movies, but I would say that Christopher Nolan is one of the most famous directors filmmakers who has brought this to the audience's minds. And thank you so much for that