Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 5:00


When the media is the most thing that you look for, when you're looking to research something, that means they're spinning. They're spinning because you're interested, and it's causing a panic. It did this back I looked back. It did this back in August. It did this back in 2020. It did this back in August. Australia. I looked to other countries for this, and it's causing panic. Panic is a huge part of this

#misinformation #MHNmaven

Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:57
I share what I have learn from all of my years of tutelage and learning process and my learning journey and graduating recently with honors and knowing psychology, knowing behaviorisms. Now, moving on to my master's sometime this year and starting my broadcast, going to have others that are in this same type of movement as me that care to change the world and make awareness about mental health and anxiety and things that you can do because we all have natural anxiety

#misinformation #science #evidencebased #publichealth #research

And the interesting thing is, the crazy thing about all of this is the social media companies, generally speaking, are not regulated. The algorithms are literally meant to promote the most obscure misinformation out there because it's all about shock value, as you were saying, just like is promoted on various news networks. It's the same on social media. Whatever has the most shock value gets the most engagement
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:55


It's just a broadcast algorithm that they're utilizing because when it bleeds, it leads, and the fear is what is driving it. And you know what they always say, you know, Zig Ziglar used to say, fear has two meanings forget everything and run or face everything and rise. But there's also a new one that has come across, which I have posted here on the photograph, which is False Evidence Appearing Real. And it's because of social media


And I find myself reflecting on why that is. Like, what is it psychologically that these people get from conspiracy theories and from believing these things? As I said, their entire identity becomes wrapped up in it. It's almost like these anti science movements, they've reached the level of occult where this just becomes a person's entire identity and they can't even recognize how far deep in the hole that they've dug themselves
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:56


And honestly you have your pulse on a lot of psychological aspects of the world today. And I think honestly the world is in a psychological crisis. I think we have been building up to this. When you look back through the decades and things that have happened from a psychological standpoint, you can see the set up to where we are completely and here's the thing
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:59
And that's why I think it's important for us not to speak out and say things when nothing is 100%. Because let's face it, you and I both are scientific brains. We have scientific brains, right? That's what we look towards and we believe in the science and we believe in how the scientific process works, right? But the fact of the matter is nothing is 100%. Nothing is 100% ever. It's a theory until it's disproven

#mindfulness #nervoussystem #holistic #science #minsinformation #publichealth

And then when you add the broader kind of spiritual disconnect that people are feeling, because the way that the world is operating, that just creates a nasty, nasty cycle of misinformation being easily perpetuated. So all we can do is continue to have these conversations and hope that things get better
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:57


That when we do these things that are idiosyncrasy kind of behaviorisms where we overemphasize a certain part to make up for the whole, or lack of esteem or emotional intelligence or whatever the case may be in the situation. It makes people actually start to judge us. It's so convoluted that it'd be so amazing if mental health could get into this day and age and actually increase with awareness and everything else