Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:56

Nighttime routine: Ending our day

So I want to know how many of you all go to sleep listening to music and how many of you have a nighttime rim? If you have a nighttime rim that you go through, what is it? For me, every night, in order for me to calm down, what I do is I actually lay and I turn on my nature music and I listen to it

#askswell #routine #bedtime #lifecoach

Jill Benoff
@jillbenoff · 0:44


Hey. Hey, it's Jill. I'm glad your son's home from the hospital. I try to go to bed every night, but with the issues that I have, it makes it very difficult. I wish I had a bedtime routine. I don't sleep very well due to all this crud that I have. I sleep three to 4 hours, then I'm up for two, then I go back to sleep for four. I will be following you because you have this voice
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 3:57


I have two jobs and I have three businesses that I have partnership in or an investment. So I don't really get much sleep, maybe about 4 hours a day. Having said that, for me it's the reverse. It's more of a routine trying to stay up than go to sleep. Because whenever I do go to sleep, it's not hard
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:47


Good morning, Jill. And thank you so much for following me and wanting to be part of my journey as well as I part of yours. It's so sad to hear that you don't get sleep at night. I was kind of like that because I was overthinker. But kitha now with the routine, it kind of makes things a little better. So I've been getting a little bit more sleep. But I go in cycles
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:23
So it was kind of funny, just a little bit of an inside joke, but I'm sure you get it them I really do appreciate you commenting and I can say that I don't usually get 8 hours of sleep for myself. The most I get is probably like you four to six sometimes only one pending it fluctuates. But I did learn that if I have a routine, it helps out better
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:00
As soon as my head hits the pillow, I am out and see you in the morning hang. That's pretty much how it goes. Mine is very, very simple. So glad your son is home. I will pray his continued healing and recovery in the name of Jesus and you. Have a great day
Jill Benoff
@jillbenoff · 1:15


So I did get some sleep last night. I appreciate you, and I will actually try the music as well, so I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you. Have a great rest of your day
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:53
Just like, lay down and go to sleep part. That shower, bath, lotion, all that stuff is part of my routine too, at night. Because I think I discussed I know I discussed before. Just, like, taking a bath, we never go to bed dirty. That's something I grew up with. And it does help you sleep better when you're fresh and clean. Sometimes I'll spray mitts, like mist on my pillow or on my coles to do some aromatherapy
Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 2:40


Oh, boy. And I love being in the quiet time because I hear God speak to me sometimes. I've dreamed about people who've gone on. But it's a special nighttime and it's a peace of mind, so I hope this helps someone. Music Ministry pastors Preaching I get a lot of revelation from what the pastors are sharing, and it's refreshing you it. So have a blessed day. Bye. Talk to you very soon. In Jesus name
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:02
You. Hello and thank you so much for replying to your nighttime routine. I can truly tell that you are excited about life and you're full of life. I can tell that you're that person, that when a person is down, you're like, come on, what we gonna do, we're gonna do? I could just I could just hear you saying that
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:42
Hey, it's JL. I have been doing a morning and nighttime routine for a year now, actually, now that I think about it. And, wow, okay, I'll stick to nighttime routine. I've been doing that for about a year now. And in my nighttime routine, well, let me rewind a little bit more. 2004, I was still working as a bedside nurse and a contract position, night shift
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:42
But I recently, in the last couple of months, took it and put in my closet and then I gave it to my daughter for her room. But generally when I first started off, I didn't have TVs in the kids rooms either, and they were allowed to eat in there. But then my mom bought them a TV and that went away. But yeah, I forgot that I don't have a TV in a room
Kannon Redd
@Kannon · 1:42
As a parent, they say we need sleep, we need to take care of ourselves. But when you work overnight and you're working extra hours and don't really have the time, no energy, I would love to get a full eight hour sleep, but it doesn't happen. I got sleep for Moe hour and a half, and I'm up. I don't have time to go back to sleep
