Leslie Coleman



Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 2:01
Tell the whole world about the the Lord God almighty

God be the glory

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 5:00
Praise God whereever we go and watch someone get saved Part 1

Canvases for Christ Ephesians 2:10 reads "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:31
It is well in my soul in Jesus name


Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:55
Prayer does changes things Part 1

Trust God

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 1:37
God did it again

You ought tell everyone

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:54
God saved the days just keep going and press your way through in Jesus
Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 3:34
Lean and depend
Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:52
Go in and get what you need it’s already paid for in Jesus name

I love everyone in the name of Jesus. Psalm 103 1The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. The LORD is compassionate

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:14
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers

🔥❤️🫂🙌🏾Fathers we embrace you today and everyday in Jesus’ name

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 2:51
Thank God for the good, good, father in Jesus name


Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 5:00
Helping children who are experiencing gender trending to breakthrough by sharing the true and living gospel Part 2 of Gender Trending

Breakthrough is capable for the child and family

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 5:00
Gender trending is so dangerous for our children Part 1

Proverbs 22:6 Train up achild in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it…

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 2:16

Lord God almighty Order my steps in Jesus name..

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:53
The joy of the Lord is my strength
Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:55
Praise God


Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:57
Something about the name of Jesus

Song praise and worship

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:54
God already gave us victory

We win in Jesus Christ

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:57
Holy Spirit help all people to overcome Suicidal Thoughts in Jesus nam

Holy Spirit help

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 5:00
Peace I don’t understand

How to get to the peace that we don’t understand

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 5:00
Peace that I don’t understand Part 1

Philippians 4:7 in Other Translations7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 7

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:07
The best life insurance

Belief in the living God

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:53
God commands His angels concerning us to guard us carefully


Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:54

God knows the plans for our lives

Leslie Coleman
@DawnColeman · 4:55
Being free from insecurity in Jesus name

Fearfully wonderfully made