ziara shaikh
@ziara234 · 1:05

Be a good person:)

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When you self reflect, the worst thing you can do is go through the fire, be tasted, grow into the person and hate yourself. You can't force yourself into a position that wasn't meant for you. The design of your character needs to come from you. Thank you

#readinggoodqoutes #good #qoutes

Kavya N
@KavyaNagarajan · 0:21
Yeah. Ziara I also do believe that always do good, be good, and everything will be in good manner. And one thing that I would like to say that if every individual, every person becomes a good person, there would be no crime and all right. Anyway, thank you for doing such a nice well, keep going
ziara shaikh
@ziara234 · 0:05


Thank you so much. Kavya, your words are so pure. Thank you