Zandie J
@ZandieClutch · 3:36

Poetry and Sound Therapy

A lot of these techniques I've learned and studied and developed as a result of me sort of battling my own issues, my own anxiety issues, stress relief issues, sometimes insomnia, and also PTSD. So I find that poetry is incredibly therapeutic for me. So expressing my poetic capabilities is very therapeutic. And also the sound therapy is helpful. And I find that when I combine these two things together, it creates this complete experience for the audience

#Poetry #soundtherapy #frequencymusic

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:23
Yeah. I really appreciate the attention to to creating, like, a soundscape, an environment where we can exist aside from listening to your words, but to, like, really be involved and enveloped by by your words and by this landscape of sound. It's it's a really good idea. Yeah. Thank you so much for for doing it and bringing it on to onto swell
Zandie J
@ZandieClutch · 2:40


That is all that exists between you and I is our communication. So in order for me to give people the utmost, the best aspect of my communication is just to add a little bit of music in the background to enhance your experience. Because I don't just want to read you a poem, I want to give you an experience, I want to give you a dialogue, I want to open up a portal that is multi dimensional, something that you can interact with