Zack Preston Rouse
@ZackPreston · 4:44

Biscuit: A New Story

And I'll be starting to work on the screenplay in the next couple of days as I am able to sort of sort through the delivery method of it coming from the ethers being downloaded into my brain hole. But the story is about these two kids who work at a local fast food joint. It's like a little burger joint, sort of like a Burger king, but a local version of it. And it's a horror, not horror
Zack Preston Rouse
@ZackPreston · 4:50
So they go and they meet with the owner, and the owner talks with them, and Pope sells the owner on letting Biscuit have this empty land to do his dog rescue. And the owner is this retired rancher and is just kind of divesting from his properties, and he doesn't really need a bunch of money, so he's like, yeah, all right, you got a deal. I just need my 20 grand
Zack Preston Rouse
@ZackPreston · 4:40
You know, biscuit's mom is calling him on the phone all the time now, and she's trying to get information about Pope because they figured out that it was most likely pope who committed these murders. And so they're trying to pinpoint their location. And Pope's like, yeah, you can talk to your mom on the phone, on the payphone at the motel, but only for 59 seconds, because after that, they're going to start tracing your location
Zack Preston Rouse
@ZackPreston · 2:59
And then we kind of follow him through the restaurant, realize, oh, shit. He could potentially have not only caused more mayhem between his time with biscuit and now, but in the future, could very well come back to haunt biscuit or could potentially get involved in other people's lives in the same way