Zack Preston Rouse
@ZackPreston · 4:33

Endgame Capitalism

But I think if we are able to come to terms sooner than later with the very real possibility that the system has already failed and that essentially it's being propped up by artificial means, including the printing of money, including the fact that they're trying to keep us all in debt, to keep money being able to be created, but by the fact that by by 2030 or so, there's going to be no more growth. Period

Collapse endgame late stage capitalism politics Regenerative systems solidarity economics

Zack Preston Rouse
@ZackPreston · 4:19

Solidarity Economics

Like, as far as I can tell, these are all things that I'm thinking about. And you don't have to agree, but they're just what I'm thinking about. And I'm thinking that essentially getting out of debt as fast as we can is kind of one of those things, right? Or I don't know, depending on your perspective, maybe you get as many credit cards as you can and charge them up