Yvette Ahishakiye
@Yv_ · 1:22


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But the moment you start rising and good things coming in your way, the story turns. I believe that as a friend, I shouldn't be jealous or intimidated because my friends are raising, because my friends are doing great things. I should rather be celebrating with them. There is power in being able to celebrate others even though things are not going well on your side. This is just a reminder to not be jealous of your friends when it is clear that they are advancing faster than you

Are you really my friend??

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:11


And they want to celebrate you, too. Sometimes there's a jealous feeling, okay? You can't help that. But being conscious of it and practicing it's a zero sum it's not a zero sum game. There's space for everyone to succeed and for everyone to be the best versions of themselves. And it's so much better when we all get to do that together. So, yeah, I love it. I'm very passionate about that. Thank you for sharing