smile alam
@yoursmile007 · 4:17

Day to day

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Yes and each and every day more than two or three videos have reached to the point of so yeah, we are doing great and we are charging a greet sum from all the different brands who really wanted us to collaborate with them and wanted us to showcase them on our platform. So yeah, it's a great deed for us and we eyes are doing fantastically well and thanks to all of you because you all have prayed for us, you always there

After a long time

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:12
Hi. First of all, I'm very, very, very happy for you. Whatever you're doing, you are really doing great. It's very nice to listen the achievements that you have been making. And you are really such an inspiration because every time you come up with us well, you show us how consistent you are and how well you are putting your efforts to achieve something which is your dream. I really like the way you are dedicated towards achieving it
smile alam
@yoursmile007 · 2:02


And in the end it's all about how hard we guys are working, but with a great and good intent. Without intent there is nothing. So intent is the most proactive, most important seed of doing anything. And yeah, thank you very much once again and I'm hoping that we will see each other on this platform more often and try to exchange the valuable ideas so we can able to evaluate and taking us to another level and become something that we guys are looking for
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:07
Hi there, thank you for updating us all with your wonderful developments in personal and professional life. It's really heartwarming to know this is the first well that I am listening from you and it was actually you know, pretty nice to hear that somebody is working in so hard and putting in the efforts and reaping benefits out of it. So big congratulations for your YouTube channel and for its success. I hope it only grows here on and wonderful, wonderful to listen to such a fulfilling and motivational life update