I get a close at night and open and stuff, and then there's a front door behind it, and the windows are open up right into the main part of the mall where people are walking. It's quite interesting. Some of my dreams, they're just like that. Interesting, I guess. I have some interesting dream. Those aren't my only dream, but, you know, just been having those a lot lately. A lot of dreams similar to that, I guess


Lindsey Morrison
@OwenWilsonsNoze · 1:46

Subconscious vs. /Messages from passed loved ones

Dreams are cool. Don't ever really remember mine, but when I do, yeah, it's either I'm like, you know, talking to somebody and then and I'm like, a sandwich. It's like I don't even know. My dreams are like, crazy. It's just random. But the ones that go in order and they make sense and it's like a movie
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 3:13
I have a lot of falling dream where I wake up and adjust, which can be kind of scary. And I know that Swell mentioned boosted dreaming. Yeah, I remember being obsessed with that as a teenager and reading how to do that. And one of the things they had said about leaving a special scent on your pillow, there's little tricks that you can do it. I've only done it a couple of times, but not in any way like I was trying to do it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J Wang
@jsmwang · 1:39


They're symbols that you've made in your unconscious and are uniquely you can only be, I guess, defined by you. So, yeah, I do like hearing about dream, but also what people think the dreams mean about themselves. Also, Chelsea, I'm reading about Young, and I remember he had this one section on dreams about compensation. I don't know if you know anything about that
Serenity Mask
@EternalSerenity · 1:42

Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Dreams. The Anima & Animus. The Shadow.

He just added to the research of Sigmund Freud. And we all come up with a further hypothesis once we take into consideration everything else that's been studied and proven and then we try to elaborate. We're probably finding out things that Carl Young would never imagine these days. The Mini line is a very beautiful and incredible place, but there's a lot going on in there that we don't even think about. I hope you guys have a great day. Bye
Lindsey Morrison
@OwenWilsonsNoze · 1:46

A very loud hum and vibration from the inside

And I was like, what the heck? So I was trying to call for my husband downstairs, and that's when I realized you're dream. But I was dreaming of what I was doing, and then I can move. But that freaked me out. I haven't had anything like that happen since. But somebody said that's the beginning of the stage of astro projection or something. And I'm like, I don't want to do that
Aryan p
@Aryan1234 · 0:03
Uncle Jiva cha batte