Sheena Henderson
@YaGurlShauty · 5:00

Forever doesn't last too long these days.

And then once you all get older, you got to understand that everybody ain't the same every year. Everybody changed, everybody evolved. So the person they turn into might not be a person you like anymore. And then here you go. When you all first met, it was forever. Now we've got dang on alimony and child support and divorce court and all this s***. I do see it like that

#YoungLove #SelfLove #Forever #ForeverNot

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:05
But it is so important and I think that is the one way to get to a good forever. Maybe if it exists. It does exist sometimes. But I think your chances are much more likely if you discover yourself, if you spend time on yourself and and form your own values and create a life for yourself and then meet another person with that foundation and the hope that they've done that work too. So yeah, I agree with