Delbert Cespedes
@Xgzabeher · 3:27

A journey inward an worth the ride.

Sailing sad and ek one exhibit spend some time in other piece there and you know how is a jive to spend some time it in other eye work. It's so it's so much like a seasoned dish. Like well seasoned like even the adjectives are some exotic spices. Isn't it really like the writing as per usual. But what like more at a sense initiating plan. I had a sense of security from knowing this. They really have mere meds
Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 1:26
You. Wow. I'm a bit late coming back to listen to swells. It's I only like to do it when I can be really present and really listen. So apologies for not catching up sooner, but I'm really touched by this because I feel like you really listen intently and deeply to these pieces and you find things that I wasn't even aware of. Yeah. So that's quite special and thank you for that