Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 1:52

Note to self and journaling

And yes, everything comes into your head, even if it's just a word called idea, or I am in a brain fog. But thank you, because I do want to write a book. I have an idea. I started it almost a year ago. Well, nine months ago. And I just keep journaling and writing. My 750 pages. My 750 words. Excuse me, three pages

#2024 goals

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:57

#newbeginning #newyear #artistsway

I hope you have a lovely 2024 and I cannot wait to hear the progress and the journey that you continue to share about your book and your goals. I know that you're going to absolutely reach them because I can hear it in your voice. You're just hungry for it and I think that's very special. So cheers to you. Make this 2024 the best year yet and please keep me posted. Feel free to personally invite me to any mentions about your journey