Work2Live Well
@Work2LiveWell · 0:41

Tips for Teams: Understanding DISC Behavior Styles in the Workplace

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We are all unique, wonderful, powerful people, and we each express our uniqueness through our behaviors. Our habitual behavior can be observed and grouped into four main groups dominant, influencer, steady, and conscientious. Paying attention to which behavior style your teammates gravitate toward can improve your interpersonal skills, build trust, and help you get more done with less hassle. Where do you and your fellow team members land?

Read about DISC behavior styles on our website https://s.swell.life/STBaSnZNVqigUGy

J Wang
@jsmwang · 0:42
Like, people actually do have different ways of going about things, and these are some actual steps on how to address it and make it coherent, because I it's great to have a diversity of skill sets and yeah, just like, people in the group. So thanks for sharing and I hope to learn more