Dayakar Rapaka
@Wizdaya · 4:07

"Conquer Your Inner Demons, Embrace Your Inner Strength"

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So let me share a few simple strategies to help you fight against this inner demons and regain control of your life. Firstly, acknowledge your emotions. Recognize that it's normal to experience negative thoughts and feelings instead of suppressing them, allow yourself to feel and accept them. By acknowledging your emotions, you gain the power to understand and address them. Secondly, challenge negative self talk. Usually, inner demons often feed on our self critical thoughts

#InnerDemonsNoMore #EmbraceYourStrength #SelfEmpowerment #RiseAbove #SelfGrowth #InnerBattle #FindYourInnerPeace

Tara pushkar
@Tarapushkar · 3:33
So it's all about related with the physical world outside that comes under vital energy, the prana energy. So then we have a physical force, which is, again, all about you have covered it so well. All about taking care of oneself, including one's body, emotions, thoughts, feelings, everything. You could say everything about becoming light, how to be enlightened or how to become a light, that you actually come out with some sort of white light around you
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:14


Hey, Tara, thank you for sharing that. I loved listening to what the Vedas say about this concept. I wasn't aware of that. I've never heard of it before, so that was really enlightening. Thank you for sharing
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:04


Hey, that was an amazing share. Thank you so much
Dayakar Rapaka
@Wizdaya · 0:15


Hi, Tara. Thank you so much for taking the time to hear me out and impart your knowledge in a Vedic perspective. I truly appreciate your insight very much. Thank you so much
deepu goyal
@deepugoyal93 · 0:39
Hello. Hi, Daiker. How are you? I like your post. It's really good. I also recently fought with my inner demons. And I would like to say that workout, exercise and spending time with your loved ones also helps in this. And everyone be positive and take care. Thank You
Dayakar Rapaka
@Wizdaya · 0:16


You. Hi, people. How are you doing? Thank you so much for listening to me, brother, and sharing your experience. All I want to say is stay strong, stay positive, and keep listening. God bless. Thank you