Janice Rawlins
@Winkie · 4:02

Just talk!

I listen to their stories. I'm going to listen to more people on here because everyone has a good story to tell and it's very interesting because you learn from it. Well, I'm going to close off here for now and not bore anybody anymore longer with my talking. Today has not been a good day for me and I've been kind of under, well, I'm just going to be honest, kind of depressed thinking about my only daughter being gone

#talking #people #caring #love

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:38
On my swell in particular, I talk mostly about books and social media stories, but the majority of my posts now are about type two diabetes, so I hope you find them nice and helpful in some ways. But anyway, thank you for introducing yourself to us. I'm very glad that you found swell. It's a wonderful thing to be able to express ourselves, so thank you and you take care