D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybird · 5:00

Gypsy Chronicles | 6 AM Chardonnay

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article image placeholderUploaded by @wickedgypsybird
article image placeholderUploaded by @wickedgypsybird
Good morning, you guys. I have a story for you. Well, one that's pet related, if you will. So a couple of years ago, actually five or six, I had two roommates when I first moved to Austin, that was a couple, and they had a little dog that they had just gotten maybe a couple months prior from a shelter. She's a mix. She's a Chihuini. So she's half dachshund, half Chihuahua, and her name is Tyra

#PetStory #spbpetst8 @gaurav1106 @taylor #TellYourStory
