
My wife says I am not affectionate enough and I make her feel unwanted

You don't have to be a certain type of man, aggressive, you don't have to be that way. All you have to be is yourself. And a woman will respond to you in the way that she knows how to. You have to understand that a woman is coming to you and for you in all purpose of life

#love #relationshipadvice #marriage

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:53
Hey. And welcome to swell. I think this is a really good meditation on communication and relationships, regardless of gender as well. But it is a good thing to remind oneself of. Am I stuck, stuck in this? Am I stuck in a routine? Am I in my own head? Why am I not connecting? And I think it is about returning to that moment of being in the present and really being with somebody and seeing them entirely as they are in that moment


Yeah, I totally agree. A lot of people have been through a lot. I personally take this time to respond to people who have been broken but understanding that they're at a place in their lives where they just need to heal. And I am a foreshadow. I foreshadow certain conversations, foreshadow certain people images about themselves and where I think they should be. But that's not their mindset at the time