Wendy Hammers
@WendyHammers · 2:16

I found myself now where the hell am my car keys?

It. I'd say the biggest truth about the subject, subject of lost and found is that I am lost going into the telling of this story, not really knowing where it's headed, but trusting that I will find my way as I tell it and connect with all of you. Here's the big sort of aha that I see at 63 years of age. Am more found

#SwellSessionsLA #LostAndFound #TellYourStory Story submission for live event

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:36
That was so wonderful. What a nice journey between the self and also your relation to objects, which I very much connect to. I lose stuff all the time, and I like that image of the land, of the lost objects. And what story would that tell? Really interesting, but beautiful. And to find yourself among the loss, I think there's something quite poetic and beautiful about it. Thank you. Thank you for sharing
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:24


I think it was Bill Werbit, about how have you ever taken the time to consider that everything that you've ever owned, take, for instance, the monopoly board that you had when you were a kid, it's probably in the ocean now or in a landfill. Everything that you've ever had that you no longer had, if you don't have it in a storage room somewhere, it's in a landfill or floating in the ocean, which I thought was a brilliant joke