Ruby T
@WanderingYehudi · 5:00

To Light a Menorah

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The only crime is to allow another holocaust to happen or another massacre or another. Just thinking that it's not happening right here in our own community, that's something that's going on elsewhere. And also just not wanting to even be aware of our surroundings because it makes us uncomfortable. That is one of the greatest sins of humanity. And there's not many sins that are worse than any other sin

#ShalomhaEretzhaShamayim #PawsForACause #PrayforthepeaceofJerusalem #Channukah2023 #ShmashOver #NativeRoots #JacobsLadder #WanderingsOfAMisfitYehudit

Ruby T
@WanderingYehudi · 5:00
And they decided to give the precious blood of the lamb. His name actually was Yeshua. And originally, when he was born, his name was Emmanuel, which means God with us. But in Hebrew, his name is I am salvation. Now, when he took that name, when he started his ministry, I can assure you that there are plenty of people who thought that he was a heretic or blasphemous just by saying that his name is the I am or that he is salvation