Transforming Lives
@WandaG · 3:26

You won’t , because I won’t allow t

So remember that when somebody jokingly says something to you and then say, you know, it's not you, or you know, you would never do that very thing that they're saying they're doing and they putting it in a joke. Honey, you better capture that before it comes back and before you know it, you're doing exactly what they said that you would do. Honey, why? Because you accepted it. I'm not accepting those things, okay? I'm rebuking it


Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:14
And you're not going to keep telling me that I don't have a family and I don't have this and I don't have that because I don't have kids because you're not raising your child up in a traditional situation either. You live with your dad, raising your son. That's not traditional. You're supposed to be married. You're not married either