Tamika Williams
@Vybezwithmeeks · 0:12

Speaking up for domestic violence against me🚨‼️

article image placeholderDomestic violence against men‼️ by Vybez with Meeks
Hey, y'all you bother with Meeks and I'm speaking about domestic violence against men. Invites

https://s.swell.life/STdmmfAwylGGAtq https://anchor.fm/tamika-williams7/episodes/Domestic-violence-against-men-e23pbg4

DAYDAY Mcclenton
So it all leads back to one thing. Why keep being that revolving door for all those things to keep coming back at you now? So it's a good thing that you invited me to this, and I appreciate it, because my mama was a victim of domestic violence through her life and stuff, you know what I'm saying? So having to watch that and know that men do not care when they're upset, but they're not going to be your revolving door, though
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Tamika Williams
@Vybezwithmeeks · 1:38


Hey, hey. You're vibing with me and I completely agree with you. And I just had did a post about domestic violence, speaking up with domestic violence for men because, you know, a lot of people speak up for women and not too many people speak up for men. And like I said, I agree what you're saying and think we all, as people need to just speak up for each other and learn to do better
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October Selfcare
@Selfcare · 2:44


And we just have to stop the violence towards each other and start really bringing that focus back on why are we hurting, why are we giving this energy to the people that we say that we love? And I think one we start working that out, I think it'll get better. But I think people really need to stop going into relationships thinking that that person is going to fix them. We got to stop doing that. That's my take on it
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Tamika Williams
@Vybezwithmeeks · 0:18


It's great. Thank you. Thank you for appreciating that. And I wholeheartedly sincerely respect your response. And I think that we all need to start fixing ourselves before we attach ourselves to anybody else as well
October Selfcare
@Selfcare · 0:22


Thank you. You are definitely right. I just hope that we can do that in time before we lose the communication and different things that really make a relationship with ourselves valuable and a relationship with other people