Vineeth Vincent
@VineethVincentΒ Β·Β 3:16

Let It Fly - this right here.. is a part of my soul πŸ’š Red Flags, White Flags.. Let It Fly

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We march for the castle we march for peace my friend can't raise me from the least I travel all the way from East Free we march for our country we march for our fright take a little snake and quick you flight with flames why? I did that in one take. Hope it turned out all right. Okay, good. Amazing. Not too sure I'm going to listen to it, but either way, I'm going to put it out. This is my latest single

https://youtu.be/SN2Fag7bqwM #LetItFly Please listen and if you like it, please help me get the word out. Streaming on all platforms across the world

Sreeja V
@WordsmithΒ Β·Β 0:18
Hey Vineeth. Loved listening to this single and I have liked it on YouTube and also shared all the very best to you. And I think, you know, as I said earlier, you are a rising star. Rise and shine Winit
Ramya V
@RamyaΒ Β·Β 0:25
Hey, Venith. I just listened to the song and checked out the video. It is so gorgeously short and the words hit a different level. Amazing track with all the right vibes. Almost sort of, you know, sounded like an anthem. So, yeah, thanks for sharing more power and success to you and the wonderful team behind the tracks
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Vineeth Vincent
@VineethVincentΒ Β·Β 0:04


Thank you. Word smith means a lot. Thank you very, very much
Vineeth Vincent
@VineethVincentΒ Β·Β 0:15


Hey, Ramya. So the anthem vibe was what I was going for. And thank you for following the lyrics and talking about that bit, because yeah, that's a bit that's very, very close to me. So thanks