Daya vats
@Vatsdaya · 0:26

Book insights of "Think like a monk"

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As well family. I recently must myself in wisdom of the book think like a monk and its teaching has sparked up profound changes within me. My mind has become more clear. I have discovered a newfound peace. So inspired by this, I will be sharing these inside with all of you. So stay tuned for more updates. Wishing you a wonderful day and thank you

#bookinsights #thinklikeamonk

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:57
But, yes, I mean, the way he talks about real life problems and provides solutions to them, I think he, he has a very clear mindset at the very least. And I believe his book will be no different, because coming from someone who is so experienced and who is so knowledgeable regarding life in general, I believe that, you know, this book definitely will help or will provide one some important directions. You know, it will provide one tools to choose one's path in life