You. Happy Sunday, everyone. Welcome to Weekly Reflections. I have not hosted a weeklyreflections in several months, but I am back. So let's do this. Share with me two to three celebrations from this past week. I will share mine as well in the comments below, and I can't wait to celebrate with you all. P-S-I have a quick question, which will be a separate reply in the comments below about an idea I have on expanding this Weekly Reflections into a three part question

Hit "reply" to share 2-3 #Celebrations from the past week! I can't wait to celebrate with you!

Vanessa Ragains (they/them)
@vanessaragainsĀ Ā·Ā 3:30

šŸ˜”My Weekly Reflections šŸ

Number two, I am celebrating that I created my holistic wellness plan template. So every single member in the rebel wellness community will be working with me one on one. And we are going to be revising their holistic wellness plans every single month. And these include support first and foremost on how to rebel with herbs. So whatever areas in life that they are trying to support with herbs, I'm going to suggest those remedies to them
Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1Ā Ā·Ā 1:59


And then, number two, I'm going to say I am celebrating the fact that I can celebrate little things. And I used to always think that if I'm going to celebrate something or say that I accomplished something, then it has to be something pretty big. But lately, I've just been trying to celebrate the small things
Vanessa Ragains (they/them)
@vanessaragainsĀ Ā·Ā 2:39


Also, I love that you shared your experience with not wanting to run, but kind of working into getting those runs accomplished and checked off the list for the week. I can definitely relate. I feel from time to time that I don't want to do my workout or do the walk, or it would just be better and much more comfortable to just stay on the couch or stay in the studio and not go outside and be in the sunshine