bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 2:41

Zoom Back in the Office

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Zoom is telling its staff to get back in the office. Hear about it at Urban Legends and Stranger truths. Zoom, the company that got us through our remote work revolution in the Pandemic and actually got us to where we are today, has been telling its employees they have to come back to work

#returntowork #whitehouse #staff #lostbusiness

Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 1:03
You. My opinion is everyone should have an option. We are evolving and we should keep evolving. If it's not broken, why fix it? I can see if sales went down or productivity went down, but Zoom is just going up. People are using Zoom for podcasting. And how many podcasters are out there now? I think it's everyone's opinion. Is that the word I want to use? Or everyone's perspective?
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 1:41
You. I agree with options. Every company should have some form of agreement with the employees what is the best for each side. Before pandemic, personally, because I'm a French English interpreter and I used to travel from core house to courthouse, from hospitals to hospitals, social services, et cetera, et cetera. And sometime I would get late because of heavy traffic in the morning and it's really stressful. It was stressful. And after the pandemic, after the lockdown, they developed this system
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Professor Z
@Professor42 · 1:28
It's just empty real estate that's not being used. And one of the things that he pointed out, which I thought does make sense, was the fact that without revenue to these buildings sitting empty, a lot of perhaps governments, organizations are essentially just losing money on something that they invested in, which may be the drive to certain back to work agendas. I can't say for sure that's the same thing for all companies, but I do think it is a major motivating factor
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 0:47
Because there'll be no financial support for things such as trash disposal or support of street repairs or electricity and public services that are provided for the areas, because there'll be no income to be able to support that. So it was something I had not thought of previously. Thank you so very much. I appreciate it