Jebin Philip
@untanglebeliefs · 1:06

3 Things to Teach Children on Happiness

Number one, happiness is not a permanent state. There will be situations or circumstances that may make you feel upset, sad or disappointed. Number two, it's okay to be sad. You don't have to push yourself or force yourself to be happy all the time. It's okay to experience sadness. Number three, do not depend your happiness on external things or a person. Choose to be happy by the things that you choose to do and be
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:19
It becomes really different for them because in the childhood they don't have any kind of responsibilities and they are not indulged in any kind of negative aspects. So most of the time everything goes very well because they're living in a very happy environment and once the moment they start growing up, they actually understand the true aspects of life where they had to deal with various kinds of feelings, variety of situations