Amrit-Sadhana Boyd
@untamdherbalist · 2:53

Yes, I have seen people change...

article image placeholderDo People Change? | A Swell storytelling page
I always tell my clients, that's such an easy statement to say because the will might, in the nervous system, not be a capacity that somebody has. I think a lot of people want to heal. A lot of people want to change. A lot of people want to be better, but they do not know how to, nor do they have the resource or access to things that can support them in that journey

#DoPeopleChange #sspsddpcpY #SwellDebate https://s.swell.life/SU8vf3lkwR9eZIc #TellYourStory

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:50
But in a world where you consider it as if you consider that phrase and that philosophy as why, you know, like, one's why has to outweigh, you know, not doing it. I don't know if that makes sense, but essentially, it's like if somebody wants to quit smoking, for instance, they won't quit until the desire to quit outweighs the reward of daily smoking. And it goes for anything in life