Aayush Grover
@UnspokenHeart01 · 2:31

Are we really free ?

Hello everyone today really free. Completely soulful attached

#freefromthoughts #freefrom negativity

Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00
Hello Kya. As an individual matrix. Practical view, lifestyle, spiritual view, metaphysical point of view from different perspectives. Active azadi jahid comes with a price. Freedom comes with a responsibility. It's a spiderman dialogue. Great powers bring great responsibilities. Something like that. For example, for independence. Independence car most likely misuse Karaga. Then using it selflessly for service to others. Hithera spiritual freedom
Aayush Grover
@UnspokenHeart01 · 1:50


Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00


Angeli winsAn aquila hi Rajata or satisfaction. I'm sure you're understanding what I'm trying to say. Selfish, motive, self evolved