Melissa Tejeda
@UglyButterfly · 1:55

Set up to fail with men and what's up acceptable

I was actually allowing all the messed up crap that I thought that I was getting away from to still be in my life. And I just don't know what to think or how to get over that. Like, how do you overcome generations and stuff in your family just doing messed up stuff and you're not carrying it into the men that you're with and knowing then you can trust a man and get in the right relationship

#themeninourlivesanddamagedone #setupforfailure #wheretherootofacceptingtheunacceptablestarts

adamJ Boyn
@getwitIt · 2:05
I mean, it's like the guys that are f****** jerks, you know what I mean? Somehow they hold on to their relationships and they look good to everybody. And when in all reality it looks like their girlfriend, their wife, whatever, is f****** miserable. Probably they are miserable, but they stay together. I don't get it. I'm a nice dude, I guess
Melissa Tejeda
@UglyButterfly · 0:33


God, I hope there's a change. If they're not, then we're all in some serious trouble. I mean, something's got to give, right? There's still got to be good men and women out there that want to do right and have a good life and do right by their spouse or significant other. Because if not, then what the h*** are we doing this for?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

adamJ Boyn
@getwitIt · 0:25
So let me ask you, if you don't mind me asking, what are your specific faults in those relationships?
Melissa Tejeda
@UglyButterfly · 0:44


My specific faults in those relationships would be that I make excuses. I am readily available, and that's not always a good thing, especially when people are so willing and quick to run you over or take advantage of you. I'm a very chestworthy person. I'm a very open book person, and I don't work off of your motives or the way that I can get over on somebody or anything like that