Tyetia Leonard
@Tyetia86 · 4:56

A second child will allergies

He's allergic to dogs. He's allergic to dust mites. He's allergic to mold. He's allergic to all. Different types of grass. I didn't even know there was different types of grass, but there were, and we found that out on top of the food. Oh, my gosh. You're talking about oh, my gosh. We just found out about food allergies when he was little, and now he has environmental allergies, too
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:30
The triggers affect them less, even with their food allergies. My niece was allergic to just about everything under the sun. And now that she's 20 years old, I saw her eat something, and I'm like, can you eat that? She's like, yeah, it hasn't bothered me in years
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:52
I wasn't allergic to any food or I wasn't allergic to any animals, but it just seemed like anything that grew on a tree and anything that grew out of the ground, I was allergic to it. And so my allergies had gotten so bad at one point that I thought I was going to have to have allergy shots because they gave me flonaise, which did nothing singular, which did nothing allegra, which did nothing claritin kind of sort of was okay