Mr. Watson
@TXVoice4Truth · 4:58

Platforms That CLAIM To Be UNBIASED actually Pushing Their Political Views On Its Users, Telling YOU how To THINK & FEEL!

article image placeholderUploaded by @P0pularMadness
article image placeholderUploaded by @P0pularMadness
You're not going to see anything positive about Donald Trump, because you have to look at who is in the CEO seat, who's in the shareholder seat of these platforms and which way are they voting. You can go to their Twitter and it'll show you. So however they're voting, that's the way their platforms go. But these platforms are supposed to be non biased, but they are Uber biased

#compare #contrast #biasedmediaplatforms #instagram #biased #politivs #dirtypolitics #bolshevikrevolution #josephstalin
