Travis W
@twalls2023 · 1:19

Friends or Superficial Relationship?

And what that means is people that you fake a friendship with to get you through life, to get you through whatever it is, let me know, because I'm genuinely curious on this


That how often it is that both people coming into any kind of relationship friendship, romantic, et cetera that it's always an equal investing from both sides. Sometimes it's one person's investing more into that relationship than the other person. Does that make the relationship any less quote unquote, real? I mean, you'd have to ask the individuals and of course they're probably going to have different definitions of real
Travis W
@twalls2023 · 2:48


If your answer is no, then I'm going to say that's probably a friends superficial relationship. Yes, I'm going to say that's probably a friendship. Everybody needs to realize that everyone is not your friend, right? I have very few people that I can actually depend on, but yet I have those friends superficial relationship well with people that I have to get along with, whether it's my boss coworker, whatever else. So, yes, there is a line between friend and friends
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!



But I wonder how much our language and our thinking has shifted since the word has sort of been really diluted. I can't remember. I know my thinking on French that's changed a lot over the years, but I don't know. Now I'm curious, but I guess there's no way of really knowing. Interesting
Travis W
@twalls2023 · 0:34


You? Absolutely. It is almost mind boggling the way that we use that word. So I don't know if I confused you or challenged you, but with whichever way I made you think a little bit. But yeah