Trish Cole
@trishcole · 4:27

#BookReview | A book that had a big impact on my life is

article image placeholder#BookReview | A Swell Prompts page
If you haven't and if you have, go back and read it again. Because the second time around I read it, I definitely had to highlight some things that I could refer back to when life happened. So, number one, it helps you distinguish between the real you versus the voice in your head. On page 74, he says, I needed to learn to just relax inside instead of fighting with my mind so much

#BookReview #michealsinger @books https://s.swell.life/SU9bT0AVDHdvy9n #books

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:08
But nonetheless, thank you so much. I had to chime in because I love this book so much. And when I heard you mention it in the first couple seconds of the swell, I knew that I had to chime in. So thank you so much for sharing that knowledge with the world. I hope everyone on this entire app platform reads it, because I think the world would be such a more chill out, chilled out place if everyone reads that book