Fenny Shah
@Tretaura · 4:56

EFT tapping - Let’s dig a little on this and spread awareness for your Mental Health Journey. .

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Also, the summary statement that I'm saying right now is taken from one of the article of National Institute of Health which states that EFT is found to be evidence based practice, which also means that this technique is clinically approved for anxiety, depression, phobias and PTSD or any such case of mental health issue. One of the amazing thing about EFT is how quickly it works. In just few minutes of tapping, my clients have experienced a significant reduction in stress and anxiety or even their physical pain

#efttapping #energypoints #acupoints #meridianpoints #mentalHealthawareness #tappingtechnique

siya shah
@siyashah7 · 0:09
Hi. Thank you for sharing this. I'm a psychology student myself, so it's really interesting to hear about this. Thank you