Anthony Ibuaka
@Tonka · 0:29

What’s your favourite cuisine?

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You. Hi, people. I'm just reflecting this evening on how much richness and diversity there is when it comes to cuisines around the world. And I wondered what my favorite might be. Nothing's come to mind yet. Still reflecting on that. But I'd like to hear about yours. What's your favorite cuisine? And what's the story behind it? Let's have a conversation. Cheers

Talk about your favourite and the story behind it 😋 #food #cuisine #culture #diversity #yummy

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:46
This is such a hard question because I feel like every time I say I have a favourite cuisine, then immediately I'm like, wait, no, I like this other one more. But I think I really enjoy italian cuisine because I think there's so much variety with, like. I mean, I love a good plate. Plate of a good plate of pasta. And I love how fresh, like, a mozzarella or tomato salad can be. Fish meat
Anthony Ibuaka
@Tonka · 1:10


That's such a brilliant response. I do appreciate it. Yeah. It is actually such a hard question when you reflect on it, because you might not necessarily have a straight answer. And everything you've mentioned, the italian cuisine and the stuffed things, just so good. All of these things are things that leave remarkable taste on your palate when you're done eating them. And when you mentioned anything stuffed, I quickly thought about shawama
D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybird · 2:43

….I 💜too many things. 😂

So anytime that I have any kind of korean dishes, it reminds me, really, of the people, the camaraderie, and just all the really good memories that I built around that food. It was one of those things that was in my head was an equalizer. Being there as an american and chatting it up and hanging out with the korean people who were so inviting to us. I never had a bad time
Anthony Ibuaka
@Tonka · 1:27


Hi, Dimitri. Such a brilliant response as well. And you brought a new perspective in responding to this, because you talked about seasons, and that is quite good because a lot of people actually determine what they eat based on season, either consciously or unconsciously. And that's actually very good. And for you, the thins you mentioned for autumn and winter, for instance, those are quite good. Having indian, nigerian, south african thins with spice in them
D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybird · 1:15
And my mom baked, so I got a mix of both. So I do both of those things. So I cook seasonally, but I also cook globally because I just think it's really important and to really showcase the world to everybody else through food. And that's about a roundabout of way of what my expertise is. I like to introduce people to different ingredients and different spices, fruit, vegetables, grains, all of those things
Anthony Ibuaka
@Tonka · 0:58


Obdometri, that is incredible. You are so fortunate to be able to do both, because there are people who cook beautifully but have the faintest idea when it comes to baking, and then those who bake beautifully and have the faintest idea when it comes to cooking. And then to have the ability to have the gift to do both is just tremendous. And I'm sure the people around you do appreciate and admire that and enjoy it as much as you do