T Lacey
@TLacey · 2:40

A double standard? Men vs Women

If all of a sudden a woman I'm even worried talking about this, and I'm sitting here by myself, but a woman's time of the month, if she becomes angry or emotional or upset and you criticize it men. You want to get in trouble, just say, Is this your time of the month? You'll get your head ripped off. And the reason is it's not her fault. You can't criticize that. It's hormones. How dare you? It's insensitive

We’re taught one way, but not the other



And then if, you know, at the flip side, saying that men are always thinking about sex for men, though, from this side of the conversation, a virile man is a good thing, right? Has always been there's always been celebrated for man to be with many partners versus a woman to be with next to no if any partners until the one right?
Crystal Dozier
@CrystalDozier · 5:00

I raned out of time but truly enjoyed. Looking for more 😁

This may involve speaking up against discriminatory practices, supporting equal opportunities and actively engaging in discussions just like this one that addresses gender related issues. We also should be doing encourage open dialogues just as this one you posted. We need to foster an environment where men and women can openly discuss their experience, concerns and perspectives. I like the fact that you said I will be waiting here for your response because you already know that this is going to be a debate when you're doing men versus women
Crystal Dozier
@CrystalDozier · 0:22


All right, Tom. So I had to reply back to my own response, but this is the continued part. I actually was at the end of the article. So, yeah, I truly enjoyed this, and I am going to follow you, and I will be looking for more. I greatly appreciate for inviting me to your swell, and have a great day. Bye