T Lacey
@TLacey · 1:04

#MyProfile | T Lacey

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You. Hi. My name is Tom Lacey. I'm 50 years old. Regular guy, I think. Not a celebrity. I'm kind of like a man caught in between two lives, two worlds. The life I live and the life I'd like to lead. But I'm not really sure how to do it. But I know one of the things even my faith and my opinions on life, I want to record. I want a podcast

#FirstSwell Christian, health care worker, nerd and outgoing introvert.

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:44
There's a great community of folks here on swell well, and a lot of people here are experimenting and doing the exact same thing that you're doing on here. So it's really great to have your voice here on flaw, and I can't wait to hear more about you and what you do